
Children of Noah Videos

 I took a giant leap! LOL, well, a step into the video world and made my first video for Youtube on  my new channel called, "Children of Noah".  Just sharing info... Check it out, like and subscribe and share. Please? Thank you! The sound isn't great so I will have to do the videos probably via my phone.  Shalom! Children of Noah

Emuna for the End of Days

 Emuna, which means faith in Hebrew, is knowing. You don't just believe, you know! I have three children and I can tell you when they were kids, I KNEW exactly how they were going to react to something. Because I didn't just believe they would react, I knew it and I knew how they would react!  Yet, we are human and we have challenges, concerns, trials, and decisions to make. Life isn't so  simple. Sometimes things can be devastating and out of our control. We turn to HaShem for answers and sometimes we may feel or think that He isn't there at all of us. He sometimes can seem to be so distant.  That's not HaShem, it's us. We think things should be a certain way and when they are not, sometimes we may feel hurt, betrayed, puzzled, and just plain indifferent.  HaShem is always here with us, even through those extremely difficult times.  But, what about the End of Days? From what I understand, it's not going to be very pleasant for most of us. Barely hanging on

The Cycle of Life

 I start out with a sad commentary. I lost a family member today. The family knew it was coming so we  could brace ourselves, I suppose I could say that. Nevertheless, it's a hard fact of life and we all know that  it is inevitable for all of us.  A reminder that I am not a scholar in Torah, I am not a Rabbi. I have learned a little bit in the two decades of studying Judaism and Kabbalah. The first thing I will mention is that in Judaism, life is of the  utmost of importance! To dwell on death is wrong but we rather ought to concentrate on life here where we are! I am sure you have heard or read the words, "la chaim"? It means "to life". We are to appreciate  this wonderful gift that HaShem has given us, even if our life is full of challenges.  Another thing I would like to mention here is that there isn't a whole lot mentioned in the Tanakh about  the after life, when people die and where they go. In Genesis 25, 8 it tells us that Abraham died and was gathe

Negative Speech?

 I have lived in plenty of apartment buildings in my life time and worked at some jobs that required  to be around a lot of other employees. It's so easy to get caught up in who is doing what and even  saying negative things about other people. Gossip. That is what it is and it is UGLY! We have all done it! It's easy to fall into that! Who doesn't like to hear "juicy stories"? I have a hunch that's how soap opera shows started on television. Everybody loves to ridicule others! In Judaism, this is called lashon hara. It goes deeper then gossiping behind someone's back. Slander isn't pretty and even is recognized in many countries such as America, one can sue another  for slander. It is recognized (so I have been taught) in Judaism, what we say and do affects the whole world! What we say about another person is very damaging and never can be taken back. The  damage has already been done. Learn about lashon hara and how you can help the world to be a more

Body & Soul Health

We all understand that our bodies need to be looked after with what we put into it. The food we eat, the fluids we drink, and exercise. God gave us these wonderful "machines" to take care of and what do we do? Well, I must admit, I am guilty of not giving my body quality care like I should! Oh, that piece of cake or those cookies!  The Coronavirus 2019 (SARS COV2) hasn't been a big help, that's for sure! It kind of threw us through a loop and caused a lot of us to gain weight because we were in lockdown for a long time. Many of us need to let go of the junk food and get back to feeding our bodies good nutrition, especially these days with the virus still lurking. Fruits, vegetables, meat (if you eat meat), beans/lentils, some carbohydrates, and of course keep it light on sugars and salt.  But, how about our soul? Do we need soul health guidance? As we say in the upper  Midwest, "you betcha"!  Most of us do our daily activities whether it be working, chores,

What Does Kosher Mean?

I have heard many gentiles say that they thought Kosher meant blessings from Rabbis.   That  Rabbis go into stores and bless the food. I may have thought this as well many years ago. I  don't know where this belief started but pretty sure it has been spread  like a rumor.  I have to joke because I imagine a Rabbi going around the store blessing certain food like,  "bless those little E.L.F. fudge cookies"!  The word Kosher is used quite loosely for several things like behavior or a certain thing like a job for instance. Someone might say, "well, that job isn't Kosher", or they might say, "that  isn't Kosher", when talking about someone's behavior. But, when we talk about food that  we eat, what does Kosher mean?  Kosher is a general term to mean how food is sold, prepared and what kind of food that is  eaten  according to Halacha (Jewish Law).  What is fit to eat? Kashrut.  Kosher slaughter refers to animals being killed for consumption tha

It's Personal

Whatever your background, I expect that you have attempted to pray to the Higher Being or Creator. Right? For whatever reason, you tried to connect to God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (if Jewish), or Allah (if Muslim), or Jesus (if Christian), or one or several of the gods (if Hindu), or perhaps Buddha (if Buddhist). Very sorry if I left out others.  Prayer is personal. Most of us go into seclusion to pray unless of course we are with family or  a group of people to pray about someone or something. Maybe you have felt so down and  things have been going so badly or maybe your heart aches for another, maybe that person is very ill or you are very ill. It's not unusual for people to ask for prayer for themselves or for others.  Does God only hear from Jews or Noahides? Of course not! All people from where ever they are, who ever they are, are children of God. He knows us better then we know ourselves! He will not turn His back on you because you are this religion or that religion.  P